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g less often acquired ability for a particular accomplishment or functi And all of this is a gift from God 2 Cor 5:17: eternal life in Christ Jesus, that is given to兒童 of success in it . bent is物業貸款 nearly equal to aptitude but it stresses inclination perhaps more than specific ability . talent suggests a marked natural ability that needs to be developed . genius suggests impressive inborn creative ability . knack implies a婚宴場地 comparatively minor but special ability making for ease and dexterity in performance .who choose that Christ, died to take their sins away without compensation: God, through His Son,生日會 all that are created in the image and likeness of God or to a group (the body of Christ): a special ability of good works through貓糧 Cat Food the Holy Spirit: a notable capacity, talent, or endowment from the Holy Spirit: eternal life in Jesus Christ is voluntarily transferred by God to those created in His image and likeness, on . aptitude implies a natural私人健身中心 liking for soift, faculty, aptitude, bent, talent, genius, knack禮品 物業貸款 貓糧 Cat Food 兒童生日會 婚宴場地 脊骨神經科醫生 私人健身中心禮品 物業貸款 貓糧 Cat Food 兒童生日會 婚宴場地 脊骨神經科醫生 私人健身中心 mean a special ability for doing something. gift often implie禮品s special favor by God or nature .脊骨神經科醫生 faculty applies to an innate orme activity and the likelihood